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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ola worrrrldsss....

Hye people. This is my first post here, in my new blog. I'm sorry as I have no other thing to say. After this I'll post a few things about the movies that I watched last week and on the books that I've finished reading some times ago (Insyaallah kalo I don't procrastinate).

Mind the background. My younger sis chose it for me - as I'm not as expert as her in this blogging thingy. Anyway I'll keep this blog as simple as I can; no glittery2 or snow2 stuff bgai2 tuh. Tak suke arr...

If you're interested in visiting my old Wordpress blog you can click here. Sayang gak nk tgl blog tuh sbab da bnyak gak bnde I post in there tpi sbab wordpress x mndapat smbutan so I'll let go je la.. Huhuhuhu.

That's all I think. Click the follow button kalo trase cam nk follow blog yg serba hina nih kayh. Chow loverrs!