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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Introducing myself..

Ok, so this is kind of weird - writing this, knowing nobody is even out there reading my blog yet... But I've got to start somewhere, right? So, this is what you need to know about me: I'm a 24-year-old Norwegian small-town girl, pretty much obsessed with fashion. I have a Bachelor's degree in Communications, and I would love to work in a fashion-related magazine, not just so that I could wear something fabulous every day, but in order to participate in their world - which is, of course, my dream world.

I've been reading fashion magazines almost religiously ever since I was 12, and over the past few years I've also discovered the beauty of blogs - which is why I want to try and make one myself. I feel like they feed me somehow... and sometimes they can be just as good a form of escapism as any great book. And the best thing about fashion magazines (and blogs)? You get to go out and buy all the lovely stuff in there (provided you have money of course - but there's always H&M, Topshop and Zara), and thereby partake in their beautiful world - which, of course, beautifies our own, real world.

I've always thought of myself as non-materialistic, but whenever I open my closet, I reconsider. I have more shoes, jackets and scarves than I can count, and I go shopping every few weeks - because I never have anything to wear. Also, there's just something about having beautiful clothes - and the way I feel when I wear them. However, I'm not very high maintenance. I mostly shop my basics at H&M, and I actually don't own anything high-fashion. However, I do hope I will afford to someday... but I'll still shop at H&M!

Anyways, I'm not going to bore you with more text, but I hope to see you around.