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Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy 101 Award

I just received this award from the lovely Fleur over at Not just about fashion - thank you so much!!

In order to accept it I have to write down 10 things that make me happy, so here we go - the 10 things that make me happy at the moment:

1. That winter must end some time - I'm looking forward to spring and summer!
2. Chocolate - always
3. New shoes - currently sitting in the closet, awaiting spring and summer to be worn as often as possible
4. Music - it's an essential
5. Glee - I wish I lived in a musical
6. My dog - she's always so happy when I come home from work, you'd think I'd been gone for weeks. It's lovely to have someone miss you that much
7. Hugs - big warm embraces are one of my favourite things in the entire world
8. Cute boys - especially one at work, but he's really way too young for me to even look at that way
9. Good friends - they're always there for me
10. Blogs and bloggers - you guys inspire me every single day, and I'm so thankful for that!

And with that cue, on to the next step of the award: I would like to pass this award on to:

Go on, check them out, love them & follow them - and don't forget about Not just about fashion - thank you again, Fleur!