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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stress Management

Stress Management

Deadlines. Soccer practice. Jet lag. Meetings. Multi-tasking. Forget about dinner! As our schedules become more and more hectic, the need for effective, time- and cost-sensitive stress management becomes paramount.

Focusing on our immediate environment, its sounds, tastes, and smells, as well as our breathing are all ways to cope with the ever increasing stress in our lives.

Music Relaxation Therapy

Music can be magical. We often use it for background "noise" as a distraction, but it can also be used as an enlightening, therapeutic experience. The music appreciation center of our brains, for most people, can be found in the right side of the brain.

When you listen to music, you switch from the left hemisphere (presides over logical, analytical, sequential activities) to the right (intuitive, integrating, emotion-based activities). Find music-jazz, blues, rock 'n roll, country, classical, new age, whatever relaxes you-and spend a few minutes every day just listening.

Don't answer the phone, make dinner, or try to be productive; just close your eyes and listen. Your body and mind will be refreshed and ready to meet the rest of the day.

Deep Breathing

When we become stressed, our breathing tends to become shallower. Less oxygen is taken in with each breath, and our blood is forced to move through our bodies more quickly to get enough oxygen to our brain and vital organs. Deep breathing techniques counteract this stress response and help us to let go of tension.

Repeated, long term use of deep breathing exercises can relieve physical symptoms of stress such as headaches, backaches, stomachaches, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

Deep breathing exercises can be done sitting, standing, or lying down. You will want to wear comfortable, loose clothing. Begin by inhaling through your nose. Count to five and let your lower abdomen fill with air.

Exhale through your lips silently counting to five. Do this for at least two minutes. To increase relaxation, imagine that you are on a beach, in a forest, or any other relaxing place, smelling pleasant scents and hearing pleasant sounds. Eventually, you may be able to slowly count to ten.

Invigorating Bath for Aching Feet

Add six drops of eucalyptus oil and six drops of rosemary oil to a bowl of very warm water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes. Run hot water over your ankles and feet for 30 seconds and then run cold water over your ankles and feet for 30 seconds. This will relax your muscles and improve circulation.

Jet Lag

Keep sachets of lavender, rosemary, and lemon with you when you travel. The scent of lavender will relax you; rosemary and lemon will keep you alert. Lavender, rosemary, and lemon scented candles, baths, and facials are also excellent ways to counteract the effects of jet lag.