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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

B + U architects mixed used building, LA

B + U architects: mixed used building, LA

american B + U architects have developed a proposal for a mixed use office building in los angeles,
california  - a landmark building aiming to enhance the cities vision as the premier quality city
in the southeast area of los angeles county and to revitalize the industrial landscape of the site into
a vital urban environment.

the project is characterized by its response to the urban setting, its vision for the office work environment
within a highly sustainable building design, and by its formal and structural elegance. the three level
mixed use building includes a café and retail space at the ground floor and two levels of open office
spaces above. the office spaces are configured around a center atrium space that opens up to the street
creating the main entrance for the building. the ephemeral quality of the building envelope is realized
through a high tech fabric enclosure system that utilizes multiple layers of fabrics with different degrees
of transparencies/ opacities. this envelope is able to adjust to the different exterior light conditions
and provide consistent natural daylight levels throughout the office spaces. while the more delicate
fabric encloses for the upper two office levels, the restaurant and retail spaces on the ground floor open
up to the street with a glass envelope. landscape elements create a green barrier between the outdoor
seating area of the café and the street.