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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Berg in Berlin Building the Tallest Mountain in the World

The Berg is an unusual project created by German architect Jakob Tigges. It consists of an incredible 1000 meter tall mountain that is likely to be built in Berlin. Here is more information from Arch Daily:

“The objective is to create a natural habitat for the mountain’s wildlife and at the same time, become a recreation space for everyone in the city. “The Berg” would take the place of the Tempelhof Airport, a space currently under discussion. Surprisingly, there’s a big group supporting “The Berg” and people are pressing to get the approval and financing of the project. While big and wealthy cities in many parts of the world challenge the limits of possibility by building gigantic hotels with fancy shapes, erecting sky-high offce towers or constructing hovering philharmonic temples, Berlin sets up a decent mountain. Its peak exceeds 1000 metres and is covered with snow from September to March…”